Steph’s Birth Story
First Birth
After hearing about home births from Anna at Hackney hypnobirthing, we were really keen to try for this option as I felt that I would be more comfortable and would encounter less intervention. Early in my pregnancy I had been told a blood result showed low PAPP A so home birth was not a preferred choice for the hospital but I was moved over to the care of the HB in December. Anna helped me find research Low PAPP A and further info on early induction to help me feel well informed and prepared for whatever May happen.
My assigned midwife Sarah was extremely supportive and caring. Home visits were a dream and she was so helpful answering any questions I had, with understanding and support. She noticed I was feeling a bit low/anxious and referred me to the appropriate help in our very first visit.
My labour was quite quick, especially for a first baby, and caught us a bit by surprise! I had been feeling a bit funny a couple of days before going into labour. At about 5.30 pm period pain type cramps, became contractions. My partner, Jon, started to blow up the birth pool but the intensity was increasing rapidly so we called the team and let them know labour had started. They helped with reassuring us and suggesting pain relief with the shower and TENS machine before they arrived.
I was quite scared by the speed and intensity with which everything was happening and was so relieved to see Sarah and Harriet when they arrived at 9pm. They were calm and relentlessly positive - they talked and encouraged me through it, and explained everything that was going on and always checked for my consent before making any changes.
I had painful pelvic girdle pain for the last trimester and was worried about birthing positions but they supported me to find what felt right. Sarah applied pressure to my lower back for pain relief and I used gas and air until the last stage. Contractions continued to ramp up quickly and Jon was told to stop filling up the birth pool and fill the bath instead for time! Unfortunately by that point I felt unable to move and the head crowned shortly after. At 11.35pm, Maddie was born and was placed immediately onto my chest. It was just the most incredible moment - finally meeting her healthy and happy, all in the safety and familiarity of our bed.
We were given time just us three together as we waited for the placenta to deliver. After a bit of waiting, I had the ocytocin shot and with more help from Sarah and Harriet, managed to release it. We waited until the umbilical cord went blue for Jon to cut it.
They were gentle and considerate for the check after the birth then after refilling with some drinks and snacks went through what to expect in the next few hours and a breastfeeding lesson
At 3am in the morning we sat in our own bed with our wonderful daughter in complete tranquility marvelling at what had just happened. It felt absolutely incredible to wake up in our own bed as a family.
The aftercare over the next few days was great and reassured us Maddie was healthy and happy. We started attending the free breastfeeding clinics and were given similarly incredible support by Luciana. Sarah came back for our final postnatal home visit and it felt wonderful to have had such a continuity of care and for her to be the one that signed us off.
I honestly think the support and nurturing nature of the team have given us the absolute best start we could have hoped for. We feel so lucky to have had access to the Homerton Homebirth Team and to have been given such a great education into our journey and options from Anna at Hackney Hypnibirthing. Thank you so much!