Sally’s Birth Story
Second Birth
Elective/Planned caesarean birth
My little girl was born via elective C section in May 2021. A much longed for rainbow baby, she came after two heartbreaking miscarriages and a pregnancy spent in COVID lockdown.
My first baby is now 8 years old and was born via emergency C section after a hectic birth experience. From hearing stories from others, I realised his birth wasn't as traumatic as it could have been but it left me knowing that if I was ever lucky enough to have another baby I'd elect to go down the C section route.
A friend recommended Anna to me after we talked about how nervous I was about the birth. It wasn't the idea of having a c section that scared me, I was lucky enough to be able to afford to have this baby privately and the consultant supporting me had been incredible at every stage, I completely knew I was in the best hands possible. But I just couldn't shake the idea that this baby, who we'd wished for for such a long time, might not make it. Pregnancy after miscarriage felt nothing like the first time round, I struggled to get excited, I worried every time I hadn't felt kicks and I had to go for a scan that something bad was going to happen.
Anna helped me in so many ways. We had private online sessions with her and this gave me the chance to share my fears with my partner and to know that it was OK to feel this way. It also helped me to feel good about my choice - again, I had a constant fear that in choosing the approach that was right for me I might be doing something wrong for the baby - but Anna helped me feel confident in the path I was taking and able to own it. I was able to talk to my partner about things that happened during our sons birth that scared me, a conversation I just dont think we'd have had had we not been in these sessions.
The time spent going through the process itself was also really helpful. I knew what a c-section felt like of course, but I didn't know much about the detail of the process or really importantly the choices I had available to make the experience as special as possible. This helped me to ask the right questions before the surgery and also feel empowered during the surgery to ask for certain things.
And the meditations were really fantastic. Listening to them in the run up to the birth helped me remember what a magical experience I was about to go through and gave me some brilliant tools to be more present and calm during the birth. I ended up having the c section a week before planned. My baby was only 37 weeks but the change of plan didn't panic me because I was able to use the meditations and focus on the faith I had in the brilliant medical team, and in my body and baby to get through the process. One particular visualization was so helpful to me, I was able to build the two babies I'd lost into the vision I had in my head and think about them protecting this little one - the peace this gave me was indescribable.
The process itself went very smoothly, I stayed present in the room and felt completely calm. Much to the annoyance of the nurse trying to look after me, we FaceTimed our family straight after the operation and the joy on my face says it all. And now, when I look at my funny, loving and super sassy little one year old I feel so incredibly grateful she's here. And really happy that meeting Anna helped me turn what was nothing more than an anxious count down to getting the whole thing over with - into something much more special.