Becky’s Birth Story
First Birth
Labour ward
Advanced maternal age/High BMI/IVF
“Whilst my pregnancy was really straightforward and without complication, I found myself sitting within several “high risk” brackets - my age, my BMI and having conceived with IVF. This meant I had to advocate strongly for myself through Obstetric appointments where they’d constantly tell me how risky it was, trying very hard to convince me to agree to induction and denying me entry to the birth centre.
I felt strongly that waterbirth was important so I opted for a homebirth, knowing that I had the right to do that, regardless of their scare tactics.
We had been decorating at the new house all weekend, and Sunday I’d woken up with Braxton Hicks. It didn’t stop me painting- up and down the ladder all day; but when they didn’t seem to stop later that evening, I thought I should perhaps time them. Turns out they were infact contractions and I was actually in labour.
I woke Adam to break the news and we were in the car just after 1am- to drive an hour and a half back home - and to the pool we’d hired for a home birth.
All the way I concentrated on my breathing techniques to ride the waves.
We got back at 2:30am- I pottered around creating my calm space and trying to figure out where the pool was going to go - the midwife arrive at 2:50am; to tell me I was 7-8cm dilated and didn’t have time to put the pool up. Although I didn’t want to go to the hospital- the pool was free so we agreed to drive over and they agreed to honour my birth plan wishes.
We arrived at 3:30am to a room dimly lit and calm (as I’d asked for) but a half empty pool. I knelt on the bed, just concentrating on my breathing- and grasping a comb in my hand (another technique I’d learnt on my course) and just trying to ride the waves I knew I was capable of doing; but just wanting to be in the water.
This could only happen to me- the hot water had broken and they’d called an emergency plumber out!
I had declined any pain relief, and once I got into the water I immediately felt relief- I knew this was where I needed to be. Until the hot water stopped working again
So, Adam began topping the pool up with kettles of boiling water to keep me warm
I wasn’t in the pool for long, all the time gripping my comb for dear life and breathing (and grunting) through the waves- I felt a sudden urge to bear down.
I could feel my baby’s head crowning; the midwife told Adam it wouldn’t be long now- maybe in the next 3-4 contractions…
From nowhere, these primal and guttural sounds emerged from me- and at 4:50am, on my second push, my baby arrived earthside into the water.
He arrived in one- surprising the midwife (think was expecting just a head!) so she didn’t catch him- and he went swimming around the pool like a little spaceman tethered out in space, I finally had my baby in my arms!!! It was boy!
I think I was at this point I finally released my grip on my trusty comb!
I had planned to have an physiological delivery of my placenta- but when the water started to look like a scene from jaws- and the midwife looked pretty concerned- I moved from the pool to the bed and consented to an assisted delivery as there was as A LOT of blood.
This was actually worse than the whole Labour and birth- as I was full of adrenaline at this point- the birth was so fast I think I was more in shock than anything else- but, despite being unprepared for the assisted delivery of my placenta- I had all the confidence learnt on my course to insist they upheld my wishes of not cutting the cord until it had turned white. I know I didn’t make it easy for them, but I didn’t back down from what I wanted in that moment- and I upheld my power.
I would recommend to anyone expecting, to join one of Anna’s courses- she gave me the tools to know my own mind and capabilities.
I had the most wonderful experience, and despite it not going entirely to plan, I’m absolutely certain I had this amazing experience because of the information and strength I gathered from Hackney Hypnobirthing.
Thank you Anna
And, although the painting didn’t get finished- I had my best day yet; at 4:50am 29/08/22 I finally became a mummy